Chapter One - "Your Sons and Your Daughters Shall Prophesy"


  • Thank you for making the commitment to enlarge your capacity to receive more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding about the prophetic ministry!
  • I pray you are strengthened, encouraged, and edified by the power of God's Word and the instruction of the Holy Spirit!

Expectations and Goals

  • Our goal is to educate, empower, and activate believers according to the Word of God in the area of Prophetic Ministry.
  • NOTE: This course is NOT an ordination to the office of the prophet. Any recommended procedures or practices should not supersede the protocol of your local ministry or spiritual covering!

PWBI Lecture Notes_PR101_Chapter 01.pdf

  • After watching the video content and reviewing the lecture notes, please answer the following study questions as supported by the Word of God and text, Developing the Prophetic Ministry by Frank Damazio - Chapter 1: "Your Sons and Your Daughters Shall Prophesy"

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